FOOD is fashion . FASHION is food . a VICTIM of fashionable food*

Thursday, December 23, 2010

This Christmas ... thusfar *

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day, You gave it away. 
This year, to save me from tears. I'll give it to someone special <3"

Tis that time of year again,
to celebrate with family and friends.
Another excuse ~ any will do
so here is a toast from me to you !

A time for giving:

... and receiving the same gifts as your girlfriends, in different colours of course

Beauty essentials are a must for the upcoming festivities,

with a dash of Tiffany blues,

and treats to share for all.

An unexpected gesture, ever so sweet:
B* orders a skim latte & Baci
Barista asks "Do you know what Baci means in Italian? It means Kiss!"
B* realises he forgot to charge for the Baci
Barista replies "The Baci is on me" and winks
A good start to what would have been a terrible day!

Wishing everyone a fabulous Christmas,
filled with some unexpected surprises xox*

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